Still confused to choose a "Caleg"? Don't worry.....just chose them! What happen if characters from Ar Tonelico series registered themself s a caleg? Ridiculous, isn't it? So, no more doubt to choosing them as your favorite Caleg if you are true Ar Tonelico lover. Let's get started from the first entry!!!

A revolutionary party that encourage us to take a different way, just different than the others. This party also looks scary because in English means "Bloody Party". In this case, Jacqli is the most suitable Caleg who handle this party because she is bloodthirst *stomped by Jacqli*

This time, Croix is looks different. He become a rich man after win a lottery, at the end he founded Partai Narsis to get more sympathy from girls. So, if you looking for posperity in your country, Partai Narsis would realize your hope.

This party always standby to help everyone who need help and always on time, as their motto, "Menuju lokasi kejadian" (Go to the location). Have you ever had a beautiful leader like me? So, if you love me, contreng me, Hehehe *dilempar sendal ama orang banyak*

Have you decided your favorite party? Don't be wrong, you must choose by your heart to realize a goverment in justice and prosperity *dibakar*
SWT, hahahaha
w golput aj ah :p
*ad yg diktaktor lah, berdarah lah, narsis lah, kaya lah, lah trus yg mewujudkan aspirasi rakyat manaa???*
pngen milih yang narsis XD
what happen to our country if the leader like 'that'
wahahaha ...
but gladly .. it's not many as real caleg in Indonesia .. right ? XD
but our real caleg(s) are normal ;) *digetok para caleg di blog ini*
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