Hello, this time I want to cooking. No discussing for game, business, or else because I'm so hungry. Yeah, none of delicious food that has a beautiful and delicious taste than a steamed Crab. I started to like such cuisine since Byaku-san offers me directly at my home. He said that the steamed crab he made has ugly like Cocona's face (not your Cocona, Lazy-san. Don't be angry). He also gave the recipe to make it. This is the recipe :

- 6 fresh crabs
- 4 tablespoons of scallop sauce
- 5 tablespoons of tomato sauce
- 3 tablespoons of bottled chili sauce
- 2 tablespoons of red chili powder
- 150 ml of water
- 1 teaspoon of pepper powder
- some salt
- some sugar
- Mix these ingredients :
- 5 cloves of onion, fry it
- 3 cloves garlic, fry it
- 5 red cayenne pepper fruit, fry until it faded
- 2 cm ginger
- Boil the crabs till ripe, then divide it into two parts. You can also make it by deep fried.
- Fry all flavor till it delicious smell
- Add scallop sauce, tomato sauce, grinded red chili, and the left of other ingredients.
- At last, add the crabs, mix it until it thick dressing.
Done and the steam crab is ready to eat. I hope I can cook for more seafood, of course wait till Byaku-san find his new "prey". Maybe shrimp, scallops, and more.
hm.. yummy...kapan neh bisa makan bareng
jadi ingat sama krusty crub, itu squarepant and his gank :-)
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